Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Google is going to help me get famous

I decided that I should attempt to get more viewers to this page by posting stuff that people would often look for on Google. So here goes:

For the girls: Twilight twilight vampires twilight OMG ROBERT PATTINSON IS SO HAWT twilight twilight new moon twilight sparkly skin twilight twilight OMG I WISH MY BOYFRIEND HAD SPARKLY SKIN and so the lion fell in love with the lamb twilight eclipse vampires twilight Edward Cullen *drools* twilight vampires breaking dawn twilight twilight

And for the boys: porn porn porn porn boobs vagina porn etc. (Didn't want to keep writing that over and over - I'm at school)

Seeing as I'm writing this at school, let's place bets on how long it takes for this post to get blocked! The proceeds can go to my "Get more followers through the use of obscene words" campaign!

Don't Blink

I watched the best ever Doctor Who episode last night. Serena will know what I'm talking about - Blink. The episode with the Weeping Angels is the best thing ever to appear on television ever. Not only is it really scary and fantastically clever, it has some great one-liners:

The Doctor: "This, is a timey-wimey detector." [sees other person's bemused expression and decides to divulge in an explanation] "It goes ding when there's stuff."

Or even better:

The Doctor: "My life's pretty busy - nothing happens in the right order. It's very confusing. Especially for weddings. I'm no good at weddings. Particularly my own....but anyway, I can't chat, I have things to do. Well, four things. Well, four things and a lizard..."

Isn't that just the best? He even says that last one while wearing a bow and quiver on his back, having just got out of a London cab.

If I was gay, I would so have little man-babies with David Tennant...

Monday, October 26, 2009


I'm kinda surprised someone hasn't beaten me to saying this, but I have some cool news:

I HAVE A PUPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Her name is Olly, and she's a black, seven-week-old Spoodle. She is adorable.

So be excited fools =P

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Slowly getting there...

Just thought I'd take a moment to say something important:


That brings me up to a grand total of seven, most probably still the lowest tally out my friendship group.

Oh well =D

Monday, October 19, 2009

My outburst of emotion for the year...


She's gone. You probably already knew that, but she's in Port Lincoln. Just for a few days, but I feel like a part of me is missing already. And I know that unlike some, I'm hardly experienced enough at living without a partner to provide much insight into this, but I know for a fact that I feel different.

While it may not be a few months before I see her again, I feel really lost without her. I noticed in photography today just how quiet and shy I become when she's not around to loosen me up. She really does bring out the best in me.

Without her, I feel hollow somehow. I guess it's because this time I'm worried about her, but all the same, it's unnerving.

That, piled on top of all the homework/exam difficulties I have at the moment is really bringing me down. I feel even worse when I remember that I haven't even got it hard, that her uncle's already died from cancer this year, and now her grandad's dying. DYING. And I'm upset because I suck at homework.

God I'm shallow.

So Erin, if you read this, that's how I feel at the moment.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Somebody shoot me now...

I HATE HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Losing the will to live...

I hate homework. I hate revising even more. It's even worse when your homework is to revise.

But what I hate most of all is my complete inability to focus in time of need. I can't revise my poetry for more than five minutes at a time before I mentally fall asleep and give up. And I have two exams on it in as many weeks.

Quite simply, I'm going to fail.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Cheer up Muff...

He destroyed the simple cookies with an IKEA pencil, then made the simple cookies' simple box into a Mexican Jumping Frog. The frog always lands on its head. It actually looks more like a toad.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Is that even a word? I have nothing to say....

Oh, but Muffy, thank you so much for yesterday. It was amazing and I want to steal your dog and keep him. I love you.


So yeah....homework time now I guess....

Monday, October 5, 2009

Love is...

Love is sticking by you and taking care of you even though you had a stupid and irreparable argument with her best friend.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

This sounds bad to begin with but it isn't supposed to be at all...

Okay I admit it...

She is not perfect. Well, not completely. As you'll find out if you read her blog, she has major self-esteem issues, and she doesn't want me to lie to her about her looks.

So, Muffy, you are not perfect. You are not perfect because of your lack of self-esteem. But here's the good news: that is the only reason why you are not perfect. And we can work on that together, no matter what happens in our friendship circle or in the larger world.

I promise. And I love you.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I'm sorry.

I hope you read this cause I still have my pride and I only want to say it once:


I really am. Please forgive me?