Monday, November 22, 2010


"There is nothing to fear but fear itself /
No thing, no failure, no fatal tragedy"
I wish I was as brave as Neil Peart, Alex Lifeson and Geddy Lee when they penned these lyrics. I'm scared of everything, and this week is even worse. There's so many bad things that could happen while you're away without me that'll probably happen just because it's me and I suck. Even though I went against my opinions and values to make you happy by telling you to get drunk and have fun and enjoy yourself, I still think of P-plater car crashes, budding alcohol addictions, you cheating on me or you dumping me when you get back because you've realised that I'm no fun compared with them.
Fear hurts.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Arriving late to XS on Friday night, Lauren and I had to take seats at the back, behind that unruly mob of kids that completely bemuse me - they are not there for the service, for they talk all the way through it, but if they're just there to socialise, why not somewhere else? Somewhere less religious?
Anyway, during a song I looked round at Lauren and realisation hit me - somehow, I have reached the point of being 17, with a mature 17-year-old girlfiend. We are so much more grown-up than the kids that were in front of us. And let me tell you, my mature 17-year-old girlfriend not only looked mature and 17, she looked beautiful. And I really mean beautiful :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I have just discovered something brilliant - within the setup pages for my blog there is a tab called Stats, which tells me all about traffic on my page, where it's coming from, and the number of page views I have. And let me tell you, it's very encouraging and definitely overcomes the small number of comments that I get, and indeed the small number of page views that the visitors counter on the right hand side of this page produces.

There's people from all over the world that have visited this page, mostly by accident by way of Google, but nevertheless, I have somewhere closer to 800 page views! It makes me feel better, at least until you all try it out (if you ever actually can be bothered reading this post) and get far better numbers. But still, I maintain that it's brilliant!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Really Useful Gifts

I just bought a goat :)