Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Guess the teacher

I love The West Wing. It's the only show that combines politics with turkeys =D

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Letters to people

I just need to get all this off my chest :)
Dear M: You are the best friend I could ever ask for. You have the same sense of humour as me, and you can always make me smile. You're going to reach fantastic+1 status in style. Whoever she is, your girl will be very lucky.
Dear E: Sometimes, you can be really tactless, but nobody cares cause your heart's in the right place for the majority of the time. You're a wonderful person, but you just need to admit that David Tennant is sexier than Matt Smith. I'm sorry =D
Dear N: I love you. Don't leave me, especially not for him.
Dear H and Y: You guys are way too hard on yourselves. You're awesome people and I'm so glad that you're around and friends with me.
Dear M#2: I still haven't forgotten.
Dear R: I really don't like you. I hate the way that you can make her ignore me completely for as long as you choose to flirt with her. If I didn't hate you, I'd respect your pulling power. But I do hate you, so f*** off.
Dear A: We've been friends forever and I'm still not tired of you. Keep up the good work :)
Dear I: I miss you. You need to marry a doctor so that you'll stay well enough for us all to see you =P
Dear N#2: YOU SANG!
Dear R#2: I don't know why you're ignoring me, but I hope you're okay.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

For boys and girls who want a TRUCK...

...OH YES.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Look at your man, now back to me...

I might have skinny little arms, but I'm still a man. I'm still strong. Last year I moved 1 tonne of red gum firewood in a day, then chopped it all over the course of the winter. Today, I've shovelled and distributed 1 and a half tonnes of mulch for all our garden beds over the course of five hours. I feel stronger than I look.
Besides, I can literally sweep Muffy off her feet and carry her away, and we weigh the same. That has to count for something.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sorry teachers - haven't quite got round to that holiday revision yet.