Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Please listen to me...

Look, I told her that it wasn't about her myself. I knew it wasn't about her, but she was heartbroken for the rest of the day because she thought it was. Her two greatest fears are having other people bitch about her, and losing me. She has had people bitch about her in the past, people she trusted, and so she reacts badly to anything remotely like that. So what I said was more of a warning than an accusation. But if you want to hate me for loving her and protecting her, and subsequently lose a friend who dearly wants to help you, then that's your decision.

I've told my side of the story, now it's up to you...

Monday, September 28, 2009


She is mindblowing.

And perfect. I even like her parents.

But on another note, she's terrified that you posted that about her. So if I find out that you did, I will kill you till you're dead. You'll know who you are if you read this and you actually did post that about her.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Like Serena, I have recently seen Up, and it made me sad too. Now that I have my lovely girlfriend, whenever I see anything remotely sad to do with couples, my heart sinks. I begin to think 'What if that was us?'

So, the beginning of the film made hope that nothing bad happens to us, because I'm so happy with her. Which is why I'm going to her house tomorrow - YAY!

But hopefully nothing bad will happen to us - I'm so scared of losing her and becoming lonely and lost in the world, especially if circumstances went the way Serena fears and I got old and lonely.

You should check out her blog - it's good. But I have no idea why I'm writing that because all four of followers follow her blog too anyway, and she has more followers than me. I guess I just have nothing interesting to say. Either that or I've scared you all off, in which case I'm talking to myself.

Shutting up now...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I am Doctor Who

I am an outsider to all species of human living on this planet. I am not fully guy, for reasons that would take too long to explain, but I am not a girl either. I can find faults in both sexes.

Guys are disgusting pigs. And girls are confusing. It seems that every girl's greatest fear is other girls bitching about her, which of course is exactly why bitching is so many girls' favourite thing to do. I mean, ????????. Hence my girlfriend thinks everyone hates her, when in fact she is the most adorable and perfect girl on the planet. Sorry to all my fine female followers, but this is the truth. I love you, princess.

So I have decided that I am in fact Doctor Who. Apparently when my hair is longer I even look a little like him.

Speaking of which, who agrees with Morgan when he says that Doctor Who is a superhero? Comment with your votes...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Walking on water might actually happen with all this rain...

Somehow, everything worked out. She even met my parents today and didn't die of terror.

I guess miracles really do occur.

And the most wonderful thing of all is that I got my princess back. I have no idea how, after fucking up that badly, but I did. And my parents like her.

And after what could be classed as the worst day of my life, I feel happy. I got my damned English essay finished (yes it was due a week ago - apparently I am a fool for thinking that once work has been submitted it's finished), and she still loves me.

And I love her. I can say that confidently now and know that I'm right.

So apart from the many tests and assignments due this week, and the two full days of revision I have to come to school for next week, all is well in my little corner of the world.

Next thing you know I'll start healing the blind and actually avoiding ruining our relationship.

Sweet Miracles.

Monday, September 21, 2009

I hate myself

I fail so bad. I screwed up everything with Lauren and it's all my fault and I want to curl up in a ball and die.

I am such a self-centred asshole.


I don't like rainy days. Not for the reasons you might think either.

It makes me homesick

Thursday, September 17, 2009

She is so perfect

I had no idea that one could improve on perfection.

But now I know that miracles do occur. Because today, the most perfect-looking girl in the history of the planet just got even more beautiful.

She had her hair up today, and somehow (don't ask me how) she looked even more angelic and wonderful than she normally does. Perfection has become even more pure and perfect.

And perfection is mine and I love her. She must always have her hair up from now on.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More complaining, then some mushy

I thought that once I finally got that damn Critical Essay out of the way that my life would become pleasant once again. I was wrong. I now have another English essay and a Legal Studies essay both due next Friday. Fun.

On the upside, spending time with her today was great. I love the way that we can be so intimate, but most of all I love her. She is so good to me, and she practically exploded with happiness when I told her that every time I see her, she gets more beautiful and my heart melts just that little bit more.

Bless her. She's so adorable...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I feel terrible

I have compiled a list of all the things wrong with me at the moment:

Stomach cramps/general sickness
Runny nose
Watery eyes
Dry skin
Cracked lips
A pimple on my lip
Acne in the back of my knees
A blood blister on my little finger
Eczema on my wrists, neck elbows and legs
Dead skin on my foot
A complete lack of motivation to do work

I fail

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Even more naughtiness

After reading Serena's blog about kissing and getting felt up, I couldn't help but think of kissing that beautiful girlfriend of mine.

It took me a long time to kiss her, mostly because I was afraid of my parents finding out, and not really because I was innocent and all that. Cause you should have discovered by now that I'm not.

As if to prove this, I absolutely love making out with her. She is so kissable and sexy and passionate. I also love to feel her up while kissing her to heaven - I'm a horny teenage guy so it suits me fine, and it feels nice, so she lets me do it. Not that she's a slut or anything, cause really that's more my role in the relationship.

I just love being so intimate with her without anything being awkward. We really are in love.


Well I suppose I had to make this blog a bit naughty sooner or later. To prove that I'm not entirely a hopeless romantic, I thought I'd do the proper teenage guy thing and talk about how sexy my girlfriend is.

She is perfect. Everything about her is so hot and amazing. She insists that she's flat-chested but she really isn't, and when you're that magnificently skinny moderately-sized breasts look bigger anyway. She even has nice cleavage, which sort of proves her wrong.

She has wonderfully smooth and sensual skin, with an unbelievable lack of blemishes. Her tummy is gorgeously flat which helps to accentuate her figure even more. She has incredibly sexy legs which suit her perfectly, and quite simply the sexiest ass I have ever seen.

She is so damn hot. And she's mine. I'm even in the process of convincing her to wear more provocative clothes just cause she looks so good. I can't help it. Really.

I feel so special to have the sexiest girl ever as my girlfriend. I love her so much, and I apologise to my followers for making you realise that I'm not really that sweet or innocent after all. I'm worse than you'll ever know....

Psychologists would love me...

I am so weird.

After willingly getting up at 6.30 to help my dad do sound at Seaford, I went to the movies to see "The Young Victoria" with my mum, auntie and grandma.

All things which no teenage guy would ever do. Ever.

And that's before I begin to talk about how much of a hopeless romantic I am...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

That's the burning question...

...it burns like indigestion:

How does a brown cow give white milk if it only eats green grass?

Good news

I'm happy again. While I still feel terrible with hayfever, exhaustion, eczema, dry skin and hundreds of other things, I have good news.

She's back! My girlfriend has returned, and on our seven-month anniversary too. I even impressed her dad when I met him last night.

But I also have a confession to make. While I am a pretty weird teenage guy, I am still a teenage guy, and so I have a bad habit of checking girls out all the time when out in public, even now that I have a girlfriend. But when I was in the city today, every girl I saw and checked out would then make me realise that my girlfriend is hotter. Every time I would think "My girlfriend is more beautiful and better-looking than you."

She is so gorgeous. Even she admits it on occasions, which is saying something. Seeing her again yesterday after missing her for over a week made me realise how lucky I am to have someone as pretty as her as my girlfriend.

She is so skinny, so soft, so delicate. She is completely beautiful, but at the same time very hot and sexy. She always looks and smells nice, and she has great fashion sense.

She's perfect and I love her to bits.

Thursday, September 10, 2009





My essay is not, as I had previously shouted for all four of my followers to hear, finished.

This is a good thing as well as a bad thing. While it means that I don't get to be rid of it until Monday, it also means that I have plenty of time to fix up a word-count error that I discovered late last night and just generally polish it up.

This post also sort of links to Leish and Louises' blogs, with a common statement - I HATE SCHOOL!

However, this week is improving a little - she's leaving Port Lincoln tomorrow and I can have my princess back. I can't wait to be all muhy and kiss and cuddle her.

I'm weird. I'm pretty much the opposite of every other teenage guy there is...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Nice guy to rent

After reading Tiffany's blog, in which she called me a sweet guy, I remembered being called the same thing by a girl in my photography class last week. She told my girlfriend that she had the best boyfriend ever, or something like that.

Of course, I disagree, but it made me think. This blog has no purpose except to be mushy and a waste of time, so perhaps I could use it as a place for you guys to bring your problems. I could be a nice guy to rent and try and help you out, seeing as I pretend not to have any problems of my own.

I try so hard to be the perfect boyfriend for her, cause she deserves it. But perhaps I could try and be the perfect friend to all you guys too?

Comment with anything you want to talk about basically...

I thought it would never end

It's finally finished!

That's right folks, my Stage 2 English Studies Individual Study Critical Essay is finally finished, after three terms of working on it. It's done!

And I'm not even allowed to have my name on it. Nope, it just says "810726X". That's me....

I suppose that's a good thing though. It means when I fail I won't have the shame of having my name on it...

Need some Love

I set a personal record today in photography.

I nearly cried for the first time in ages. I miss her so much...

Princess, when you read this, I love you.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I suppose seeing as this blog is titled "Closer to the Heart", and all my followers so far are girls, I ought to say something mushy and romantic.

So like the completely ambitious (cough) person that I am, I have decided to tackle the issue of love. Or more specifically, loving her.

I have come to ask the advice of my fine female followers. I want to know if I really do love her. I know this sounds mean when written like this, but sometimes I'm not sure how much I actually love her. I know I do, but how much?

I think she is perfect in every way. She has basically no faults in my opinion, and I want to treat her like a princess. Is that love?

I think she is really beautiful. She has the most adorable face. And I mean genuinely beautiful - not just "hot" or "sexy" or any of that stuff, although I know she is, but actually gorgeous, inside and out, a wonderfully complete person. Is that love?

When my mum tells me that I should have lots of girlfriends so that I make the right decision when choosing a wife, I cringe inside. I only want her, forever and ever.

Is that love?

It's fixed

Leish is a genius. The time is fixed, my brain has stopped spinning and everything makes sense now.

What would we do without women? I bet if my girlfriend reads this she'll have a few ideas of what us guys would be missing out on =P

I have recently gone insane

It has been all of three days, and this blog is already messing with my head and turning me into a loony.

You see, the clock is wrong. I had a day off school yesterday, which was a Monday, but whenever I posted anything here it would come up as late at night on Sunday. This, coupled with the fact that I wasn't at school, made me think it actually was Sunday.

So now I am rather confused, as I keep thinking it is Monday.

Thankfully, as soon as I post this and get my frustration off my chest, Leisha is going to tell me how to fix it.

Stupid time zones...

Monday, September 7, 2009

I'm a loser

I don't know what's more embarrassing - actually eating tinned maccaroni for lunch or getting whipped at tennis by my ten-year-old fatty brother, both things which my girlfriend knows I hate doing. I bet she'll laugh at me cause I managed to fit both those fails into one afternoon.

Oh well. I know I suck :)

I admit it, I'm an un-imaginative thief

I figure seeing as I have nothing else to say I might as well explain the title of my blog.

I admit that I pinched it from one of my favourite bands, Rush. Closer to the Heart is one of their most popular songs, with some fantastic and pretty clever lyrics in it. It's also awesome cause the drummer writes the lyrics, which is unusual for rock bands. Not only that, but it sort of fits with my idea of what I want my blog to be. It goes like this:

And the men who hold high places
Must be the ones to start
To mould a new reality
Closer to the heart

The blacksmith and the artist
Reflect it in their art
Forge their creativity
Closer to the heart

Philosophers and ploughmen
Each must know his part
To sow a new mentality
Closer to the heart

You can be the captain
And I will draw the chart
Sailing into destiny
Closer to the heart
Closer to the heart

Pretty awesome stuff hey? Well they are the best band ever. Feel free to ask me anything about them, although I bet nobody will =P

I have friends!


I'm loved - people (admittedly all of them friends from school) have visited my blog and left comments :)

Thanks guys

Sunday, September 6, 2009

And so it begins...

Well I suppose I ought to introduce my blog to the world, even though I have nothing to say just yet and undoubtedly no-one will ever visit and read this message. I made this after reading my girlfriend's blog and being surprised at some of the stuff written there. She encouraged me to make my own, so here I am.

But seeing as my blog is a little empty at the moment, maybe I should shamelessly plug hers instead. Just go to lessonsinsymmetry.blogspot.com if you want something that's actually interesting to read.

I suppose I'll be back when I actually have something to say.