Friday, February 11, 2011


Happy non-two year anniversary, my love.
Everyone thinks I should just let you go so you can be happy, but I still love you and miss you and you said you still love me, so I don't know what to do.
I'm hurt and confused and lonely.
You were always the remedy to my pain, but this time you don't want to make me feel better.
I miss you. I loved everything about you. To me, you are perfection.
Now I have to live without you.
But I still love you, Muffy. So much that it hurts.


  1. this makes me sad because i can identify completely. re: other comment. as hard as it is, they may not pray that she'll come back because it may not be the best thing for either of you, as much as it sucks and hurts and you probably disagree with me completely. but God has a plan and He knows where to direct you and He knows what is best - trust Him, don't ever lean on your own understanding, but on His. because without His, you'll just flounder and fall even deeper into the pit of despair, and in the process, turn your back against God.. not a nice road to go down. :( - not saying you WILL, but that it's a possibility, because you get so lost in your own sadness and loneliness.. that at the end of the day, lauren can't cure, only God can. so, i am praying for you. but, no, i'm not praying that she'll come back. i'm praying that the best happens for both of you and that God's will be done, no matter what it is. because at the end of the day you'll come out the other side a better, stronger person. and, as a friend, that's what i want for you. :)
